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Specialist Playground Designers

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Playground Designer in Tynemouth | Playground Designs for Schools & Nurseries

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We are a leading team of playground designers based in Tynemouth and work to make fun, safe play environments for children.

Our company can create a custom playground design for your site, which will then inform the rest of the playground project and make the construction easier to complete. Our team handles the design process which is required before the construction and physical development begins of the play area.

Over the years, we have helped design playgrounds across Tynemouth in schools, early learning facilities, and other public areas.

If you would like to work with us to make a stunning play space for kids, contact the team today.

Why Use Us?

We are accredited playground designers based in the UK and specialise in the development of playground designs in Tyne and Wear.

We will work with your site and budget to make playground designs that will inform where play equipment will go and how the space will be transformed.

Our design team will handle the first part of the playground development project, and it is with our playground designs that construction and installation can take place.

We are fully accredited professionals who have over 10 years of experience in playground design. Over the years, we have been leading consultants for Tynemouth playgrounds in schools, early learning facilities, and parks.

All of our designs are done with the safety of children at the forefront, and we work to meet all necessary safety standards.

We create the initial structure for the play area, and our work is crucial to ensuring the rest of the project is successful. With our designs, you can ensure your play area appeals to kids of all ages, as well as make informed decisions regarding the materials and playground equipment needed during construction.

To work with us, please get in touch with the team today!

Play Area Design We Offer

There are many different types of play space designs that we can provide. Over the years, we have created all kinds of playgrounds for children, including:

School Playground Design Tynemouth

In learning environments like schools, children must have a space to exercise and release energy safely. We have created school playground designs for many years, and schools continue to be a large part of our customer base.

We understand that schools can be a challenge due to their limited budget and space for Tynemouth playground equipment, and our consultants can work with all needs. We can design playgrounds with fun and engaging features for younger and older children and will add play value to your school.

Our designs will encourage children to be active and continue their education as they play.

Park Playground Design Tynemouth

Children in the community deserve a safe and engaging environment where they can continue their development outside of school. While we provide crucial playground equipment to Tynemouth schools, we also continue this work in community gardens and other green spaces where kids can play freely.

Our ideas can help kids develop life skills, such as socialisation, outside of school and encourage them to work on mobility, such as balance and coordination.

As we have been creating park playground designs for many years, we can come up with ideas that will support children’s imagination and education on any site.

Domestic Playground Design Tynemouth

We can also create playgrounds for gardens in Tynemouth where children can play privately in the comfort of their own space.

There is a wide range of playground equipment available for this kind of project, and we can work with your ideas for your garden to create an incredible play area for your children that they can access outside of school.

You can check out the playground equipment we have available on our site, as well as previous designs. To make your own ideas for a school or private playground, contact us today.

Playground Design Costs

The average cost of playground design in the UK can be between Β£5,000 to Β£100,000.

What Influences Playground Design Costs?

There are various elements of creating a playground design that can impact the price, including:

  • Location
  • Size of site
  • Types of play areas, such as school, community park, or private garden
  • Ground and surfacing required
  • Play equipment
  • Labour and maintenance

We do require a site survey before creating designs to ensure that we can make something suitable for your site.Β To book your site survey or for more details, contact us today.

Playground Design Benefits

Many benefits come with hiring professional playground designers like those on our team.

With our many years of experience, we can create playgrounds for any kind of location whether this is a school or private garden. Our designs will challenge children of all ages, offering them a safe and exciting environment for play that will encourage ongoing development.

Playgrounds are important for children’s development and allow them to safely develop life skills, such as socialisation. Other important lessons for life include mobility and balance, and these can also be developed here.

Playgrounds will promote active play and support the well-being of kids, and it is these details that inform our work. Working with a professional team like us ensures you will have a playground for life, and your site will be transformed. 

What Can We Design?

Here at Playground Designer, we are able to help design every aspect of your play area, including:

  • Play Flooring and Surfacing
  • Playground Equipment
  • Playground Markings
  • Playground Colours
  • Playground Fencing
  • Trim Trails
  • Exercise Course Features

Other Services We Offer

In addition to playground design, our company provides a range of supplementary services to enhance playground functionality and safety:

Playground Surfacing in Tynemouth

We offer various surfacing options to complement our designs, including wetpour, rubber mulch and artificial grass.

These surfaces provide critical safety features while enhancing the aesthetics of the playground.

Playground Maintenance in Tynemouth

Our maintenance services ensure that playgrounds remain safe, clean, and functional over time.

This includes regular inspections, repairs, and upkeep of equipment, surfaces, and surrounding areas to prevent hazards and prolong the lifespan of the playground.

Playground Repairs in Tynemouth

We offer prompt and efficient repair services to address any issues or damages encountered in playground equipment, surfacing, or structures. Whether it’s fixing broken components, patching up surfaces, or replacing worn-out parts, our team ensures that playgrounds remain in optimal condition for children to enjoy safely.

By offering these comprehensive services alongside our innovative playground designs, we strive to provide complete solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients and ensure the longevity and safety of their playgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who Designs a Playground?

Playgrounds are typically designed by landscape architects, playground designers, or firms specialising in playground design and development.

These professionals consider various factors such as safety standards, age-appropriate features, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal when creating playground plans.

Additionally, input from clients, community members, and stakeholders may be incorporated to ensure that the design meets specific requirements and reflects the preferences and needs of the intended users.

How to Design an Outdoor Playground?

Designing an outdoor playground involves several key steps to create a safe, engaging, and functional space for children to play. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Define Objectives and Requirements: Understand the goals of the playground project, including target age groups, desired activities, safety requirements, budget constraints, and any specific themes or features requested by clients or stakeholders.
  2. Site Analysis: Assess the location and terrain of the site to identify opportunities and constraints. Consider factors such as existing vegetation, topography, drainage, sunlight exposure, accessibility, and proximity to amenities or utilities.
  3. Concept Development: Generate preliminary design concepts based on the project objectives and site analysis. Explore different layouts, play equipment arrangements, circulation paths, and thematic elements to create a cohesive and engaging design.
  4. Safety Compliance: Ensure that the design complies with safety standards and regulations established by relevant authorities, such as ASTM International or the European Playground Safety Standard (EN 1176). Incorporate safety features such as appropriate fall surfacing, guardrails, and spacing requirements for play equipment.
  5. Play Equipment Selection: Choose play equipment and structures that align with the intended age group, play preferences, and developmental needs of children. Consider a mix of climbing, swinging, sliding, balancing, and imaginative play elements to provide diverse play experiences.
  6. Accessibility: Design the playground to be inclusive and accessible to children of all abilities. Incorporate features such as wheelchair-accessible ramps, ground-level activities, sensory-rich components, and clear circulation paths to accommodate users with disabilities.
  7. Material Selection: Select durable and low-maintenance materials for play equipment, surfacing, seating, and landscaping elements. Consider factors such as safety, longevity, sustainability, and visual appeal when choosing materials for various components of the playground.
  8. Landscaping and Environmental Integration: Integrate landscaping elements such as trees, shrubs, grassy areas, and natural features to enhance the aesthetic appeal and ecological sustainability of the playground. Incorporate shade structures, seating areas, and signage to improve comfort and usability.
  9. Community Engagement: Seek input and feedback from stakeholders, including local residents, schools, community organizations, and government agencies, throughout the design process. Engage the community in participatory design workshops, surveys, or public meetings to ensure that the final design reflects their needs and preferences.
  10. Design Documentation: Prepare detailed drawings, plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the proposed playground design. Clearly communicate design intent, materials, dimensions, and installation requirements to contractors, manufacturers, and other project stakeholders.

By following these steps and collaborating with stakeholders, designers can create outdoor playgrounds that provide enriching, safe, and enjoyable experiences for children of all ages and abilities.

What are Playgrounds Designed for?

Playgrounds are designed primarily for children to engage in active play, social interaction, and skill development in a safe and stimulating environment. The key purposes of playgrounds include:

  • Physical Activity: Playgrounds encourage children to engage in various forms of physical activity, such as running, jumping, climbing, swinging, and balancing. Active play promotes physical fitness, coordination, strength, and agility, contributing to overall health and well-being.
  • Social Interaction: Playgrounds provide opportunities for children to interact with peers, make friends, and learn social skills such as cooperation, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Group play fosters teamwork, empathy, and a sense of belonging within the community.
  • Cognitive Development: Playgrounds stimulate children’s cognitive development by offering challenges, problem-solving opportunities, and sensory experiences. Exploring play equipment, navigating obstacles, and engaging in imaginative play enhance cognitive skills such as spatial awareness, creativity, decision-making, and critical thinking.
  • Emotional Expression: Playgrounds serve as spaces where children can express themselves freely, explore their emotions, and manage stress and anxiety through play. Play activities provide an outlet for creativity, self-expression, and emotional regulation, promoting mental health and resilience.
  • Inclusive Play: Well-designed playgrounds are inclusive and accessible to children of all abilities, regardless of physical, sensory, or cognitive limitations. Inclusive play promotes diversity, empathy, and understanding among children, fostering an inclusive and supportive community environment.
  • Learning and Exploration: Playgrounds offer opportunities for discovery, experimentation, and learning through hands-on exploration of the environment. Children engage in imaginative play, role-playing, and storytelling, fostering curiosity, imagination, and a love of learning.
  • Safety and Risk Management: Playgrounds are designed with safety in mind, incorporating features such as impact-absorbing surfacing, age-appropriate equipment, and proper spacing between play structures. While promoting active play, playgrounds also manage risks and ensure the safety of children through careful design and maintenance.

Overall, playgrounds are multifunctional spaces that contribute to the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children, providing them with opportunities for fun, growth, and learning in a supportive and inclusive environment.


We are a leading playground design company based in the UK and serve clients across the nation. Our team has been creating playgrounds for over 10 years and can work to all requirements, from school grounds to residential gardens.

You can view products and previous designs on our website or contact the team to learn more.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great playground designers in North East.

Here are some towns we cover near Tynemouth.

South Shields, Whitley Bay, East Jarrow, Wallsend, Hebburn

For more information on playground designers in Tynemouth, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.


“Working with Playground Designer was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Their team of designers took our vision and turned it into a stunning playground concept that perfectly suited our space and budget. The attention to detail and creativity displayed in the design phase was exceptional, and we were blown away by the final renderings. The installation process was smooth and efficient, and the end result exceeded our expectations. Our new playground has become a focal point of our community, attracting families from near and far. Thank you, Playground Designer, for your expertise and dedication to creating memorable play experiences!”

Rachel Taylor

Tyne and Wear


“Playground Designer is the go-to destination for anyone seeking innovative and imaginative playground solutions. We had the pleasure of collaborating with their team on a playground project for our recreation center, and the experience was fantastic from start to finish. Their designers listened carefully to our requirements and delivered a bespoke playground design that perfectly complemented our space and user demographics. The installation team was professional and efficient, completing the project on time and within budget. The new playground has been incredibly well-received by our community, and we’ve seen a significant increase in foot traffic as a result. Thank you, Playground Designer, for your exceptional service and creativity!”

Daniel Robinson

Tyne and Wear

About Us

Playground Designer offers expert design services to create engaging and safe play areas for children of all ages.